Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What does a Mastermind look like in the Brain?

ooh de lally! golly what a day.

Thanks for all the positive responses and your enthusiasm.. your vision and excitement propels my already heightened certainty. The groups I've participated in and been invited to lead are phenomenal.

Did you know there is a powerfully distinct physiology of the brain during an A-HA moment! I know that during those moments of insight, the right neural connections are made and strengthened and sometimes the entire perceptual frame shifts in regards to a problem or inquiry. I am grateful and honored to take part in these exchanges. It can't be predicted or promised but based on my experience thus far.. the likelihood is certainly increased among mastermind members.

In a recent 1 Hour Mastermind I had the privilege of getting some stellar feedback from someone who is most definitely regarded as having Guru-Status and the suggestions and ideas were Primo. In fact, I acted on it as soon as the call finished & rocked out a sweet solution to something that had been a roadblock for years!

... but the BEST part is the IDEA I got from another participant. After hearing the Celebrity Expert she thought she didn't have much to offer but DECIDED to share anyways..

WHAT SHE SAID BLEW MY MIND and if your reading this Jenny I have to say Thanks!! Like I said on the call, " Please, don't hold back!"

To all you 1 Hour Mastermind participants and soon to be Directors...
"Accept your genius and say what you think." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Best to you and your Mastermind!

By leaps & bounds,
Kitsch "Rem" Remsky

p.s. I want to tell you about one of the emails I received today but while I have the time and opportunity, I've got to get back to my SMARTgoal for the week.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Monday Night Mastermind w/ Kitsch

Learn exactly what I learned to become a PAID Mastermind Leader in only 10 Days.

Each Monday night I take the first 7 callers and walk them step-by-step
through the simplistic beauty of 1 Hour Masterminding in the 21st Century.

It doesn't matter what industry you're in
Masterminding is like Entrepreneurial Multi-Vitamins
and on Monday Nights (the ONLY free Mastermind you can get w/ me)
You learn the precise and proven formula that that is making Mastermind Students
the go-to leaders in their industry.

Read about the amazing financial success of Kim Burney and how she has exploded
her business opportunities by becoming a 1 Hour Mastermind Leader.
Learn a bit more about how I, Kitsch Remsky, have literally burst into the scene, how it's changed my day to day life & how conducting several Masterminds a week from the tune of free to $697 per student is providing
a solid structure to live "the perfect lifestyle".

 Join us Monday Night to actually experience how powerful the Mastermind Success Model is
or go read what I and other successful students have said about becoming Paid Mastermind Leaders

If you decide to sign up now from this link NOW,
I will give you 1 month FREE with my Platinum INVITE Only Mastermind Group ($697 value)
but you have to send me your confirmation # Before Tuesday, October 20th 2009

Send your confirmation to

To Your Utmost Success,
Kitsch Remsky

a fundamental key to definite success

Something occurred to me today..and I realized that often, not always but most often, getting what you want is not the hardest part. Often times the greater challenge is knowing precisely what you do want.

You see, once a mind is thoroughly convinced of a thing, once it recognizes a definite relevance, a pressing importance, parts of the brain and biology build the physiology to see it through. No matter what. Be it good or bad. Welcome or unwelcome. You know why they say be careful what you wish for? Self-fulfilling prophecies apply.

Ladies and Gentleman, meet the Reticular Activating System. The Reticular Activating System or RAS is a small area located near the middle of the brain (funny how small things tend to make such a big difference) that  acts as a sort of gatekeeper, a filter if you will, for your entire conscious experience. In fact research confirms that the qualities of wakefulness, arousal and sleep are owed to this tiny little power house of attention.

FYI: Reticular translates from Latin to mean "net-like"

Fair Warning: In the next paragraph I am going to go off on a minor tangent. Skip it if you want to get to the point.

Never underestimate the power of attention and what you do with it and how you cultivate it to tend to what really matters in your life. Attention is one of your most expensive currencies and everybody knows it.. the crying babies know, the the exotic dancers knows it, the governments certainly know it and businesses know it. Everybody wants your attention so I think you should know that too. What you pay attention to is essentially what you get in return. I'm just sayin..

Which brings me to the reason I felt compelled to share this post with you... which reminds me of the first lesson I learned from Napoleon Hill.. which reminds me of my definite purpose..

BTW, definite purpose is a fundamental key to definite success. Say that five times fast. That, that, that, that, that.

I'll tell you more about the RAS and the Executive portions of the brain another time but for now I want you to try this: Do some alone work with yourself and find out what you really want. I mention "definite purpose" to some people and it can seem a bit too big.. so think about what you do want. I'm not asking you to make wishes because I wish I had a Pegasaurus too.

I'm asking you to make your statement... to pay enough attention to yourself, to your heart, to your mind, to discover what matters to you. Don't start belly-aching about how tough your life is. Think about a most desirable outcome and put it in the form of a statement.

Good Example of a Desired Outcome in Statement form: I have $432,000 in my bank account.
Poor Example of a Desired Outcome in Statement form: I don't want to be busy all the gosh-darn time.

I'm not asking you to think probabilities, yet. I'm asking you to simply use your imagination, consider what you love and are passionate about, think of it as an already accomplished outcome and put it into a simple statement.

This is a huge step forward in getting what you want. By identifying what's important you actually begin to instruct your RAS to train your senses to find how to get it.

So what is your desired outcome?

If you have any questions about how to most effectively frame your DESIRED OUTCOME into a Powerful Statement just send me an email: kitsch.remsky(at)

Don't be surprised if this self-development exercise is a little challenging. Like I said, "Getting what you want is not the hardest part. Often times the greater challenge is knowing precisely what you do want."

Pay Attention to your Heart and Mind. You owe it to yourself.

Respectfully Yours,

Advertisement: This is something that I've done that has enabled me to get my ass in high gear... focusing on my definite purpose and accelerating the rate at which I meet my desired outcomes... I am grateful and energized by the power that emerges from its structure and the people who I have met here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The keen Focus and unbound Energy of Masterminding

Napoleon Hill, the world famous author who wrote THINK & GROW RICH said,

"Success can only be had by bringing others with you."

I'm thinking how quickly can someone get in front of me!

In 10 days I went from wanting to start a Mastermind group to:
October 1, I heard about 1hr Masterminding.
October 2, I participate in my first 1hr Mastermind.
October 9, I lead my first 1-Hour Mastermind.
October 11, I MAKE my first $97.

Since I've joined the 1-Hour Mastermind Academy I've been able to accelerate my rate of success while assisting other Masterminds focus on their next big step so they can be successful with what they bring to the table. ( THANK YOU!! Ben Mack, Audrey Kerwood, KK, Taylor and every amazing Masterminder I work along side of!!) That's one thing that makes the 1 Hour Mastermind strong, everyone is there to help one another succeed. 2 weeks, even a week ago I didn't think I'd be sharing this with you. The power of the Mastermind is in the ability to accelerate productive actions that are favorable to your desired outcomes.

What are desired outcomes?

If you were to ask Taylor, she would tell you her desired outcome is better care, food and shelter for abused animals in her town. Taylor is a brilliant 12 year old girl I am mentor because she is running her own 1 Hour Mastermind! She is brave and a rockstar for her generation.

It's awesome because Taylor will raise that money faster with the step-by-step 1 Hour Mastermind than possible if she did it on her own. I'm still in awe of what the Mastermind has done for me and how quickly we are able to master certain elements of our personal and business lives.

You can learn more about it here==> <= Buy from this link and I'll give you 1 month of free masterminding with me.

“When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in position, through the alliance, to absorb power directly from the great storehouse of the creative mechanism of each contributing mind.”
~ Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich, Chapter 10

"I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy." That's how we end every Mastermind. If it's all about mindset you can see how I've gotten so much done.. and easily too. If you want to have questions answered just ask. or 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

One Hour a Week to Mastermind a Series of Extraordinary Events

What fiery hot project are you most passionate about in your life right now?
Have no doubt about it, True North, your Polaris is the direction you’re meant to take. This is not a matter of theory but of practice. The Mastermind is a habit practiced by the world’s most successful people. Because they know harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset which you can acquire in proportion to your giving.
Right now you are where you are (and reading what you’re reading) because of your established habits, thoughts and actions. Tomorrow you will be where you’re going because of habits, thoughts and actions you’re establishing today?

So how do ...
You Turn Life into an Extraordinary Sequence of Events
Keep your mind on the things you want. Hone selective attention to gather specialized knowledge to better navigate the terrain of your personal and business life.

With this specialized knowledge you are carried over the barriers accepted by the status quo.
Accept and expect higher things. Finer things.  Associate with those who will help you on the journey. You have the ability to get what you want. Great worldly wealth begins with extraordinary inner wealth. Life throws seemingly unsurmountable challenges our way but as you cultivate your inner wealth you’ll notice you begin to inch above the obstacles, gaining perspective like a keen-eyed eagle. Self-expression naturally becomes self -expansion. Life becomes a series of extraordinary results  and every entrepreneur I know lives for results.

I've heard the process referred to as Auto-Magical. I've been asked if it's the Law of Attraction. I'm living the proof that

  1. Showing up to the 1 Hour Mastermind is 1 of the most efficient ways to leverage the wisdom & skills of others
  2. The working power of the Mastermind responds to my every need.
The secret may be in large part released through the Carnegie Construct. You will more easily create positive results in your life when you are open to accepting the new possibilities of your Mastermind group.

And I am grateful knowing this is so.

Kitsch Remsky

Masterminding: A Radical Advancement in Success Mapping.

Unless you’ve been totally assimilated by the myth of sneering mediocrity you must have a goal that excites you out of your skin and scares the sh*t out of you at the same time. You really want it but it’s not in harmony with your old paradigm. Your most desirable goals come from A Totally Different Dimension of Thought.
The Mastermind helps you align yourself week-after-week with that dimension of powerful, momentous action. The mindset you gain here alters the old conditioning.The Mastermind strengthens your determination and will to proceed in the face of fear. The Mastermind imbues you with hidden widom and peace of mind to continue involved with The Higher Ideal of Your Heart & Mind.
Masterminding cultivates the Mindset necessary to Masterplan
What fiery hot project are you most passionate about in your life right now?

Keep the vision Masterminders. Never surrender your vision.

Have you ever wanted to give-up?
Believe in your vision. It is your inspirational masterpiece. Napoleon Hill says to, ”Cherish your visions and dreams.. for they are the blueprint to your ultimate achievements.” Benefit from the tradition of Masterminding by connecting with todays most successful leaders.
Will you be self-sabotaged – or – self-fulfilled?
Masterminding with Kitsch is a perfect platform for educating yourself further about business & financial independence. Today you may either step forward into monumental growth or you may back peddle into the the safety of short-coming. You can achieve, do and earn far more than they've ever taught you was possible. It's not about being reasonable. It's about being relentless. Ask Carnegie or Ford, Gates or Jobs. Visions are not to simply look upon... they are to be made manifest.
Masterminds encourage one another, challenge one another, inspire and celebrate one another.
Best to you in all ways,

If circumstance is about positioning- Masterminding is a Movement

It’s what Napoleon Hill calls one of the fundamental Principles of Success

The Mastermind Principle

“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people,
who work toward a definite purpose in the spirit of harmony”.
– Napoleon Hill
It’s a movement.
You may feel unqualified for the type of successes your desire deserves.. but i implore you to embrace the pursuit.
Don’t miss a single meeting. Amplify the joys of socializing to make money and Make BIG Money Easy. Successful people attract other successful people & as you make progress in life you’ll start to attract like minded brilliance. Distinguish yourself today by taking certain & definite action. It is up to you to make decisions, to make it click because your life is a by-product of your doing. Your alliances are based on motivation & your motivations are based on your determinism.
With the right feedback you will improve your ability to think & act, to focus & execute. The world around you responds to the choices you make everyday… it’s a direct feedback system that helps you understand yourself.
Masterminding evokes your advanced blueprint for higher achievements. De-stress from the rat-race hubbub for one powerful hour each week. Most challenges have simple solutions. Sometimes you just need to step back and take a look at the situation from different angles to get the best perspective.
Best to you,

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The High Road to Mastery

Practice a lot.
Repitition. Frequency. Repeat. Do it again.

Thinking a certain thought increases the likelihood that that thoughtwill be thought again. Each time a specific action is performed it strengthens the neural pathways created in the brain, thus making it more natural. Easier.

To do it again...

Practice is the tough part. Frequency makes it easier. Consider Labron or Bruce, the speeches of President Obama, the magic of Blaine, or the blogging of Brogan. Imagine the sheer number of hours spent honing the skills, performing the same or similar actions, engaging the peak mental state and physical sequences. Extraordinary.

The repitition of optimal decision making is a quality called Discipline. Discipline empowers us. It's a quality that takes an everyday human being beyond the norm and magnifies their efforts, amplifies their abilities and exemplifies the very meaning of extraordinary.

For whatever you love or are called to do.. do it and do it well.

Practice a lot.

Because thinking a certain thought increases the likelihood that that thought will be thought again. Each time a specific action is performed it strengthens the neural pathways created in the brain, thus making it more natural. Easier.

What empowers you?