Saturday, October 17, 2009

a fundamental key to definite success

Something occurred to me today..and I realized that often, not always but most often, getting what you want is not the hardest part. Often times the greater challenge is knowing precisely what you do want.

You see, once a mind is thoroughly convinced of a thing, once it recognizes a definite relevance, a pressing importance, parts of the brain and biology build the physiology to see it through. No matter what. Be it good or bad. Welcome or unwelcome. You know why they say be careful what you wish for? Self-fulfilling prophecies apply.

Ladies and Gentleman, meet the Reticular Activating System. The Reticular Activating System or RAS is a small area located near the middle of the brain (funny how small things tend to make such a big difference) that  acts as a sort of gatekeeper, a filter if you will, for your entire conscious experience. In fact research confirms that the qualities of wakefulness, arousal and sleep are owed to this tiny little power house of attention.

FYI: Reticular translates from Latin to mean "net-like"

Fair Warning: In the next paragraph I am going to go off on a minor tangent. Skip it if you want to get to the point.

Never underestimate the power of attention and what you do with it and how you cultivate it to tend to what really matters in your life. Attention is one of your most expensive currencies and everybody knows it.. the crying babies know, the the exotic dancers knows it, the governments certainly know it and businesses know it. Everybody wants your attention so I think you should know that too. What you pay attention to is essentially what you get in return. I'm just sayin..

Which brings me to the reason I felt compelled to share this post with you... which reminds me of the first lesson I learned from Napoleon Hill.. which reminds me of my definite purpose..

BTW, definite purpose is a fundamental key to definite success. Say that five times fast. That, that, that, that, that.

I'll tell you more about the RAS and the Executive portions of the brain another time but for now I want you to try this: Do some alone work with yourself and find out what you really want. I mention "definite purpose" to some people and it can seem a bit too big.. so think about what you do want. I'm not asking you to make wishes because I wish I had a Pegasaurus too.

I'm asking you to make your statement... to pay enough attention to yourself, to your heart, to your mind, to discover what matters to you. Don't start belly-aching about how tough your life is. Think about a most desirable outcome and put it in the form of a statement.

Good Example of a Desired Outcome in Statement form: I have $432,000 in my bank account.
Poor Example of a Desired Outcome in Statement form: I don't want to be busy all the gosh-darn time.

I'm not asking you to think probabilities, yet. I'm asking you to simply use your imagination, consider what you love and are passionate about, think of it as an already accomplished outcome and put it into a simple statement.

This is a huge step forward in getting what you want. By identifying what's important you actually begin to instruct your RAS to train your senses to find how to get it.

So what is your desired outcome?

If you have any questions about how to most effectively frame your DESIRED OUTCOME into a Powerful Statement just send me an email: kitsch.remsky(at)

Don't be surprised if this self-development exercise is a little challenging. Like I said, "Getting what you want is not the hardest part. Often times the greater challenge is knowing precisely what you do want."

Pay Attention to your Heart and Mind. You owe it to yourself.

Respectfully Yours,

Advertisement: This is something that I've done that has enabled me to get my ass in high gear... focusing on my definite purpose and accelerating the rate at which I meet my desired outcomes... I am grateful and energized by the power that emerges from its structure and the people who I have met here.

1 comment:

  1. Great piece. The power and laws of focus and attention are so amazing. Thank you for this.

    Deirdre J.
