Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The keen Focus and unbound Energy of Masterminding

Napoleon Hill, the world famous author who wrote THINK & GROW RICH said,

"Success can only be had by bringing others with you."

I'm thinking how quickly can someone get in front of me!

In 10 days I went from wanting to start a Mastermind group to:
October 1, I heard about 1hr Masterminding.
October 2, I participate in my first 1hr Mastermind.
October 9, I lead my first 1-Hour Mastermind.
October 11, I MAKE my first $97.

Since I've joined the 1-Hour Mastermind Academy I've been able to accelerate my rate of success while assisting other Masterminds focus on their next big step so they can be successful with what they bring to the table. ( THANK YOU!! Ben Mack, Audrey Kerwood, KK, Taylor and every amazing Masterminder I work along side of!!) That's one thing that makes the 1 Hour Mastermind strong, everyone is there to help one another succeed. 2 weeks, even a week ago I didn't think I'd be sharing this with you. The power of the Mastermind is in the ability to accelerate productive actions that are favorable to your desired outcomes.

What are desired outcomes?

If you were to ask Taylor, she would tell you her desired outcome is better care, food and shelter for abused animals in her town. Taylor is a brilliant 12 year old girl I am mentor because she is running her own 1 Hour Mastermind! She is brave and a rockstar for her generation.

It's awesome because Taylor will raise that money faster with the step-by-step 1 Hour Mastermind than possible if she did it on her own. I'm still in awe of what the Mastermind has done for me and how quickly we are able to master certain elements of our personal and business lives.

You can learn more about it here==> <= Buy from this link and I'll give you 1 month of free masterminding with me.

“When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in position, through the alliance, to absorb power directly from the great storehouse of the creative mechanism of each contributing mind.”
~ Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich, Chapter 10

"I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy." That's how we end every Mastermind. If it's all about mindset you can see how I've gotten so much done.. and easily too. If you want to have questions answered just ask. or 

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