Saturday, October 10, 2009

Masterminding: A Radical Advancement in Success Mapping.

Unless you’ve been totally assimilated by the myth of sneering mediocrity you must have a goal that excites you out of your skin and scares the sh*t out of you at the same time. You really want it but it’s not in harmony with your old paradigm. Your most desirable goals come from A Totally Different Dimension of Thought.
The Mastermind helps you align yourself week-after-week with that dimension of powerful, momentous action. The mindset you gain here alters the old conditioning.The Mastermind strengthens your determination and will to proceed in the face of fear. The Mastermind imbues you with hidden widom and peace of mind to continue involved with The Higher Ideal of Your Heart & Mind.
Masterminding cultivates the Mindset necessary to Masterplan
What fiery hot project are you most passionate about in your life right now?

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