Saturday, October 17, 2009

Monday Night Mastermind w/ Kitsch

Learn exactly what I learned to become a PAID Mastermind Leader in only 10 Days.

Each Monday night I take the first 7 callers and walk them step-by-step
through the simplistic beauty of 1 Hour Masterminding in the 21st Century.

It doesn't matter what industry you're in
Masterminding is like Entrepreneurial Multi-Vitamins
and on Monday Nights (the ONLY free Mastermind you can get w/ me)
You learn the precise and proven formula that that is making Mastermind Students
the go-to leaders in their industry.

Read about the amazing financial success of Kim Burney and how she has exploded
her business opportunities by becoming a 1 Hour Mastermind Leader.
Learn a bit more about how I, Kitsch Remsky, have literally burst into the scene, how it's changed my day to day life & how conducting several Masterminds a week from the tune of free to $697 per student is providing
a solid structure to live "the perfect lifestyle".

 Join us Monday Night to actually experience how powerful the Mastermind Success Model is
or go read what I and other successful students have said about becoming Paid Mastermind Leaders

If you decide to sign up now from this link NOW,
I will give you 1 month FREE with my Platinum INVITE Only Mastermind Group ($697 value)
but you have to send me your confirmation # Before Tuesday, October 20th 2009

Send your confirmation to

To Your Utmost Success,
Kitsch Remsky

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